Left handed SSK- pictures and video

In the last post I showed you how to make the right leaning decrease or k2tog (knit two together).  Today I will show you the the k2tog’s counterpart, the left handed SSK.  For righties these abbreviations tell you what to do when making the stitch:  K2tog=knit two together,  SSK=slip, slip, knit.  I think about these decreases instead in terms of their slant.  So, for me they are the right leaning decrease (k2tog for lefties) and left leaning decrease (ssk for lefties) since the abbreviation does not match how I make the stitch.

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Left Handed SSK 1  Left Handed SSK- Step 1

Start by putting your working needle (the left one) two stitches in from the tip of the right needle.

Left handed SSK 2
Another view without the text overlay.

Continue reading “Left handed SSK- pictures and video”

Left Handed K2tog (Knit Two together)

Today I will show you one of the two types of decreases.  In knitting increases and decreases become part of the overall look of the knitted fabric as both have directionality to them.  This is important to know because which one you use does matter and will add to the overall effect of the finished piece.  Like the title suggests, the left handed k2tog (knit two together) is just that, you knit the next two stitches on your right hand needle as one stitch.  Use the same rhyme as you did for the knit stitch here:

In through the front door, around the back, out through the window and off jumps jack.

*Click on any image to enlarge*

Step 1 of the left handed k2tog: In through the front door

Left handed knit two together, in through the front door

As you can see in the above photo I am going into the next two stitches at the same time.  You will treat both stitches as one.

Continue reading “Left Handed K2tog (Knit Two together)”

Left Handed Purl Stitch, how to, tips and rhyme

Today let’s look at the dreaded purl stitch.  I say dreaded, because most knitters prefer the knit stitch over the purl stitch.  I hated the purl stitch when I started learning how to knit, but I forced myself to practice it and honestly now, it is not a big deal.  Last week I showed you the knit stitch and the tiny little Vs it creates.  When you only see the Vs then you are looking at the knit stitch or what is known as stockinette stitch.  Stockinette stitch really refers to the type of fabric that is produced by only showing the knit side which means one row is knit and the other row is purled.  Reversed stockinette stitch is when just the purled side is showing, as in the photo below.

Click on any photo to enlarge

Reverse Stockinette Stitch (Purl Stitch)

Left Handed Purl stitch fabric

Continue reading “Left Handed Purl Stitch, how to, tips and rhyme”

Left Handed Knit Stitch-knitting tips and rhymes

Knitting has only two stitches:  The knit stitch and the purl stitch.  Every design is made up various combinations of these two stitches. You will be able to make these stitches in your sleep once you’ve mastered the motor movements.  It will seem awkward at first, requiring way too much attention and your tension will be tighter than a scrooge’s wallet.  Thus, making it near impossible to insert your needle into the next stitch, but it will get easier with practice!  I promise, it will!  So, let’s look at the left handed knit stitch to start.

Click any image to enlarge

In Through the Front Door

Left handed: in through the front door.

There’s an easy rhyme to help you remember the actions of the knit stitch:


Continue reading “Left Handed Knit Stitch-knitting tips and rhymes”

Left Handed Long Tail Cast On

Probably one of the hardest things to learn in knitting is the cast on.  There are countless ways to cast on depending on your project’s needs.  Today I will show you the most popular, the (left handed) long tail cast on.  To start the left handed long tail cast on you will have the yarn in your right hand.  Don’t worry!  Your left hand will be doing all of the work!

Click on any image to enlarge

long tail cast on 1 Continue reading “Left Handed Long Tail Cast On”

Anatomy of a Left Handed Knit Stitch

Before I show you the anatomy of a left handed knit stitch, I want to show you what a knit stitch looks like.

Please click on any image to enlarge.

If you look at the above photo you will see some little green Vs.  Those are outlining the knit stitch.  Each V is one stitch.  Each stitch has a leading leg and a back leg.  Continue reading “Anatomy of a Left Handed Knit Stitch”

Why Knit Left Handed?


The simple reason is because I am left handed. Many lefties are told they have to knit right handed because that is how knitting is done and that is how patterns are written. I also think there’s also the possibility that righties have no idea how to teach lefties how to knit. I, of course, disagree.

I’ve tried to think of other awe inspiring reasons why to knit left handed,
but nope, it just comes down to how we are wired. Righties are used to being in the majority and have no idea what it is like to try and perform activities with their left hand. I challenge you, whether you are right or left handed, but mostly for the stray right handed person who has come here to check out this website, to brush your teeth today using your non-dominate hand. Try eating, writing a short memo or, ahem, using the facilities. Not so easy or fun is it? Now, try learning a new skill like knitting. Hmmm….using your non-dominate hand may just make you want to throw your knitting needles across the room. So, why then do right handed knitters tell us lefties to suck it up and just learn to use or right hand?

Yes, it takes a little more thinking and understanding of knitting to be able to knit left handed, but I think that has made me a better knitter. I have to understand the why of knitting to be able to execute the pattern correctly. Luckily for you, you have this website and I will show you and walk you through what you need to know!

Grab your needles and yarn and let’s go!